

    The Cambodian Children Against Starvation and Violence Association (CCASVA) is a nonpartisan, non-religious, non-profit and local non-governmental organization.

We work to address the needs of vulnerable and victimized children and youth who are exposed to violence, sexual abuse, trafficking, exploitation, drug abuse, and the impacts of HIV/AIDS. CCASVA was established in January 1996 by a group of Cambodian student volunteers. The Ministry of the Interior of Kingdom of Cambodia officially registered and recognized CCASVA on September 23rd, 1996 (Permit No- 889) and signed MOU with the Ministry of Social Veteran and Youth- MOSVY.

Between 1996 and 2013, CCASVA created the Center for Child Development (CCD) in Phnom Penh. CCD delivers services such as health care, education, and vocational training. To date, CCD had changed the lives of more than 600 streets and working children, helping them become productive citizens in Cambodian society and better parents and moreover around 3000 children on the street and slum have access public school. Under supporting both financial and technical from Embassy UK, private donors, Save the children Norway, World Food program, Terre des Hommes Netherlands, COSECAM-EC, ACCT.

 Between 1998 and 2012, CCASVA has provided health and HIV/AIDS prevention education to youth, people living with HIV (PLHIV), pregnant women, men who have sex with men (MSM), entertainment workers (EW), and drug users in 3 districts of Prey Veng province. This has helped them to receive better quality public health services and reduced HIV/AIDS infection transmission. CCASVA also provides livelihood training in business running, animal raising, and saving in self-help groups, increasing family incomes. CCASVA has been supported of financial and technical by KHANA (UNFPA, Global Fund, EC, World food program), PSI.

 Between 2005 and 2012, CCASVA has provided technical support to local communities to create and strengthen anti-child trafficking mechanisms in three districts of Prey Veng province, forming the Village Safety Net. CCASVA has been supported from Cambodia Acts-Terre des Hommes Netherlands and EC).

 Between 2010 and 2012, CCASVA has worked with 4 communes in Kamchay Mear district, Prey Veng province. The focus in these communes has been providing technical support to Commune Council for Women and Children (CCWC) to mobilize resources and distribute children′s rights information. CCASVA has also supported the Commune Council (CC) in making a commune investment plan and CCWC in making a social development plan. This has helped both groups gain support from the local provincial administration unit for one year. CCASVA has been supported by Save the Children Australia.

 In 2011-2012, CCASVA has been working with local communes in 2 districts of Siem Reap province and 2 districts of Kampong Cham province in 25 communes and 302 villages with Family Protection Network. CCASVA′s efforts are focused on protecting children from all forms of abuse by providing children′s rights information, training, and capacity building advocacy at national and sub national levels. CCASVA is supporting by Plan International/Cambodia to implement on Family Protection Newt work.

 Currently and former of CCASVA donors, CCASVA has received funding from different development partners such as people of USA (1996-1998), the British Embassy (1997-1998), World Food Program (1997-2002 and 2003-2012), Save the Children UK (1997-1998), Save the Children Norway-Cambodia Office (1998-2009), KHANA(1998-2013), Terre des Hommes Netherlands (2000-2011) and Population Service International (2003-2012), Save the Children Australia (2010-2012), Cambodia Acts (2005-2013), COSECAM (2008-2011), Centre for Child Development-Private donor (2007-2012),NCHADS (2008-2011), Plan International (2011-2013), NGO-CRC (2011-2012) and Australia Cambodia Children Taskforce (2013).

 Our Vision

All vulnerable and victimized children and youth in Cambodia have quality of life, dignity and become good citizen in society.

 Our Mission

Collaborate with stakeholders to contribute to qualitative and effective social services, health, education, and legal aid to vulnerable and victimized children and youth.

 Our Goals:

  • Expand and improve institution for vulnerable and victimized children for hope and development
  • Increase the number of vulnerable and victimized children receiving quality education from grade 1 to 9 in catchments areas
  • Expand and Improve quality life skills of vulnerable and victimized children to protect themselves from violence, sexual abuse, drug and crime, trafficking and discrimination
  • Strengthen public service management system for vulnerable and victimized children to receive proper care and protection
  • Strengthen Child Protection Network System at community levels to protect and proper care vulnerable children and exposed to violence, sexual abuse, crime, drug, trafficking and discrimination
  • Strengthen awareness, attitude, knowledge on child Rights to children, duty bearers, youth led group and parents in order to promote implementing and monitoring of UNCRC
  • Coordinate children in conflict with the law in order to promote the rights of the children through legal representation and divergence program
Our Core Values
  • Mutual Respect(CCASVA works to respect and value to target group such as, listen children speaking etc)
  • Accountability(CCASVA will ensure and account all activities do in communities to target group and stakeholders)
  • Transparency(CCASVA always orients its program at the beginning and ending by conduct project review to reflect the target group need, CCASVA always distribute the reports, and newsletter to target group and stakeholders, CCASVA always conduct financial audit every fiscal year)
  • Rule of Laws (CCASVA always respect CACSVA′s policies and strategic plan and government′s laws and policies relevant to CCASVA′s work)
  • Participatory(CCASVA works to help target group to help themselves by promoting target group to be ownership and self-reliance
Our Working Principle
  • Skills to build capacity of vulnerable and victimized group to help them selves
  • Strong commitment to collaboration with local authority to protect children′s rights
  • Make a difference (Provide opportunity to children, target group to hope and development
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