

Make a Donation to CCASVA

By sponsoring a child from the Centre of Child Development (CCD) in Phnom Penh, you can make a real difference in his or hers life. A monthly sponsorship will show the child that he or she is loved and cared for as well as providing that child with food, shelter, clean drinking water, school supplies, and medical and dental care. Sponsor a child today and you can give them a real opportunity to break out of the cycle of poverty, abuse and starvation.

How Does Sponsorship Help?

  • Child sponsorship of $65 per month contributes to the cost of caring for one child at the Centre for Child Development. Sponsorship ensures that CCD is able to cover the costs of a child’s basic needs including food, clean drinking water, clothing, school fees, school supplies (including uniforms), and medical and dental care. Or
  • $25 to buy food for a child for a month
  • $50 to buy school supplies for a child for a year (books, pencils, bag, uniform)
  • $100 to pay for medical and dental care for one child for a year
  • $250 to pay for monthly salary of a social worker
  • $500 to pay for power, gas and running water at the CCD for one month
  • $1000 to provide for general running cost at CCD for one month

The children at CCD understand the importance of sponsorship and appreciate any opportunity to communicate with their sponsors. They provide letters, updates and photos throughout the year. For many of the children who have been neglected, abandoned or abused, sponsorship can help them feel loved and supported, which is extremely precious and integral to their overall recovery and development.

Become a Sponsor Today!

Send us an email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to arrange sponsorship of a child at the Centre of Child Development in Phnom Penh!

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