

Real Life of children in the slum

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They have nothing for their future.



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How can we make a difference for child’s life tomorrow?


The CCASVA Street-based Program has been in operation for the past 15 years, focusing on children who live on the streets and in the slums around Phnom Penh but who return home (or to some sort of shelter) each night and are not considered "high risk", and therefore not requiring 24/7 care in CCD.These children are monitored on a daily basis by CCASVA social workers whomeet them at designated meeting places,and are on hand to counsel them and alert authorities if they are seen to be indanger or at risk of mistreatment.

The Street-based Program provided the activities as following:

  • —          v5Building trust to children with providing   some activities such asdrawing, painting, coloring,     playing, reading, telling tales, cutting nails, hair cut etc.             and then we absorb our program to them.
  • —Provide basic health care, non-formal education, counseling, service for first aid, health education and refer to hospital/clinic when serious sick or                 wound.
  • — Facilitation to legal assistance for victims and children in conflict with law.
  • — Facilitate to children access to formal education in public school.
  • —Provide life skills, vocational training, and income generation to children.
  • —Work in cooperation with local authorities to rescue victims and serious vulnerable children from violence, exploitation and sexual abuse to safe place for alternative carein centre or community. v6

      The Street based program has covered in three Khans with six Sangkats in Phnom Penh:

  • In Khan Meanchey we covered in three Sangkat Chhbar Ampove, Sangkat Stoeung Meanchey and Sangkat Boeung Tompun.
  • In Khan Chamkamorn we covered in Sangkat Tomnup Teuk and Sangkat Phsa Deumskov)
  • In Khan Prampi Makara we covered in one Sangkat Vealvong.

Some street children who have been assessed as being at "high risk" by commune leaders and CCASVA staff (ie. considered too dangerous to live in their present circumstances) will come to the CCD for 24/7 care. Here they will be medically evaluated, vaccinated, counselled, meet the kids and join the CCD education and vocational program.

Centre Based Program (Centre for Child Development)


The Center for Child Development (CCD) was established in 1996 for street and working children who have been rescued from human trafficking, domestic violence, sexual abuse, economic exploitation on the streets and slum areas of Phnom Penh. The CCD accommodates up to 60 children by providing education, computer literacy, Khmer and English literacy, Khmer culture, vocational training, sports, medical/dental check up, and art therapy.

  • —    A major priory of CCD is to reintegrate children back to their family in the communities when judged safe to do         so.
  • —      The CCD monitors the families of children to determine when reconciliation and reintegration of the children            can  be undertaken.
  • —    The CCD was established to improve and strengthen dignity of victimized and vulnerable children to becoming      good citizens.
  • —     The CCD is a safe house providing 24 hour care for up to 60 vulnerable children. We provide nutritious meals               three times per/day, clothing, (school and casual) and all necessary school materials.

           Main activities at the Center for Child Development:

  • —      Provide medical checks up and referral to hospitals.
  • —      Provide counseling on health, education and life goal planning.
  • —      Refer to public school from grade 1 to 12
  • —      Provide extra English, Computer, Khmer Literacy class in the center.
  • —      Provide art therapy every Sunday and the meaning and understanding of Buddhism.
  • —     Provide twice yearly    study tours      to resort and cultural places,   and also sport activities.
  • —     Provide vocational training (Cooking skills, motor repairs, hair and beauty training, sewing, computer skills.)
  • —     Support reintegrated children to communities and their family.
  • —     Follow up reintegrated children in communities and family  

Life at the Centre for Child Development

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