

Volunteer Policy


This section describes the financial procedures for Cambodian Children Against Starvation and Violence (CCASVA). These procedures are to be followed by all those engaged in CCASVA activities. They are consistent with the financial procedures used by many NGOs. However, regulations for procurement and handling of non-expendable equipment may vary by the funding sources or donors and it is therefore advisable to check the individual contract agreements to clarify procurement and handling procedures.

I.I. CCASVA’s Vision

Vision of CCASVA is orphans, vulnerable children, youth, and migrants are living in dignity and quality of life.

I.II. CCASVA’s Missions

To achieve the above vision, CCASVA’s missions are;

-          Provide high quality of effective protection, care and support services to orphans,

        vulnerable children, youth and migrants workers

-          Building strategic partnership with stakeholders to achieve

        Millennium Development Goal-MDG 2015 and Sustainable Development Goal-SDG 2015-2030

-          Strengthening enabling environment for communities to be resilient,

        functioned, vibrant, sustainable and independent  

I.III. Core Values

CCASAVA is non-profit and non-political affiliation and working on social issues and social development in Cambodia, All CCASVA staff and Board of Directors are fully respected core values such as MUTUAL RESPECT, ACCOUNTABILITY, TRANSPARENCY , RULE OF LAW and PARTICIPATION as detailed below;

-          Mutual Respect: (CCASVA works to respect and value to target group such as, listen

        children speaking etc.)

-          Accountability: (CCASVA will ensure and account all activities do in communities to target

        group and stakeholders)

-          Transparency: (CCASVA always orients its program at the beginning and ending by conduct   

      project review to reflect the target group need, CCASVA always distribute the reports, and newsletter to target group and stakeholders, CCASVA always conduct financial audit every fiscal year)

-          Rule of Laws: (CCASVA always respect CACSVA’s policies and strategic plan and government’s laws and policies relevant to CCASVA’s work)

-          Participatory: (CCASVA works to help target group to help themselves by promoting target group to be ownership and self-reliance)


CCASVA welcomes individuals who wish to volunteer their time at the Centre for Child Development in Phnom Penh. The volunteer program provides the opportunity to interact with the children living at the CCD, as well as get involved with other activities including teaching, cooking and traditional dancing. CCASVA welcomes all visitors from both Cambodia and abroad.

For a real opportunity to make a difference, CCASVA suggests that volunteers commit a minimum of two-weeks to volunteering at the CCD. Within these two weeks, volunteers will have the opportunity to participate in training and orientation, work in the classrooms, and bond with the children. There may also be an opportunity to visit a local slum in Phnom Penh and meet some of the street children that CCASVA supports.

Anyone wishing to invest their time working with the children at CCD are welcome as volunteers. The criteria required are as follows:

  • You must be 18 years of age or older to work at CCD.
  • You must provide proof of age and identity - CCD requires a photocopy of your passport and visa, as well as a passport size photo, upon your arrival.
  • You must be fluent in English or Khmer; however speaking Khmer is not a requirement of volunteers.
  • In the interest of protecting our children, you must provide a police check from your country of residence to show that you have no criminal record or offenses of concern.
  • You must agree to and sign CCASVA’s volunteer policy and child protection policy.

On this page you will find some information about potential roles and responsibilities during your volunteer program. However please keep in mind that actual volunteering activities will vary according to the needs of the CCD and the volunteer’s length of stay.

Please review the volunteer policy and the child protection policy before submitting an application to volunteer at the CCD. For more information about the volunteer program, or general inquires about the work of CCASVA, please contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. / This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Roles and Responsibilities


The CCD has a classroom, a computer room and a small library. Each day, most of the children go to school, but some also stay behind. The CCD runs extra classes for those children that don’t go to school, and for the other children once they return from school. These classes include English, Literacy and Computer Studies. Volunteers may be responsible for assisting the teachers in running lessons, playing educational games with the students, and helping them read books in the library.


The children at the CCD are all involved in meal time - they help to cook, clean, and set the tables. Volunteers may assist the children with these duties. They may even spend time in the kitchen learning how to cook traditional Khmer food!

Traditional Dancing

Every Sunday, the CCD has traditional Apsara dance lessons for the children. Everyone joins in - many of the older girls have mastered the intricate moves, and even the boys are eager to participate. Volunteers will have the opportunity to attend the dance classes and learn some of the routines.

Volunteer Testimonies


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