

Provincial Team Leader (Hang Sytha)

hangsythaHang Sytha currently works for CCASVA’s Family Protection Network and Violence Against Children projects, as Provincial Team Leader based in Thbong khmum province. She worked for World Vision Cambodia for 10 years in various positions including Area Development Program Manager, Operations Manager and Technical Officer for Community Savings Mobilizing of Economic and Agriculture Development program.

She graduated with a MBA in Program Development Management from Asian School Development of Cross Cultural Study (ASDECS) in 2011. Moreover, she obtained Advanced Leadership Training in Haggai Institute, 2011.



Provincial Team Leader (Pen Chantra)

pen chantraPen Chantra currently works for CCASVA’s on the Family Protection Network and Violence Against Children projects, as Provincial Team Leader based in Siem Reap. He worked for World Vision Cambodia for 13 years in various positions including Communications Assistant, Advocacy Coordinator for HIV/AIDS and Health Program and Child Labor Project/Child Protection Program.

He graduated with a MBA in General Management from BBU in 2011. Moreover, he obtained a Diploma of Agricultural Mechanization from USSR, 1988.



Project Manager (Center for Child Development) – PRUM Vannak

promvannakVannak has worked for CCASVA in the Center for Child Development since 2009. Firstly as a computing teacher then in 2011 he was promoted to manager of the centre. In 2013 he was promoted to be the project manager for the VSAE project (Violence Sexual Abuse Exploitation Program), which covers both street based and center based programs. In addition, he has 3 years experiences working as a Child Labor Inspector in the government sector and also more than 5 years experiences as a managing director in a private school.

Administration and Finance Manager - NGUON Sophak                              

sophakMr Sophak has more than 7 years experience in working with Universities, Microfinances and local NGOs in areas of accounting. He has worked for Cambodian Children Against Starvation and Violence (CCASVA) as a Finance and Administrative Manager since December 2012 until present, where he carries out all the programming in the organization. Furthermore, Mr. Sophak works part-time in the academic field in lecturing to University Students on Finance (Accounting, Auditing, Taxation and Accounting Software Computer). In addition, Mr. Sophak holds a BBA in Mathematics at Royal University of Phnom Penh (RUPP), a BBA in Accounting at Vanda Institute of Accounting (VIA), a Masters of Auditing at Vanda Institute of Accounting (VIA), and a General English associate degree at Human Resource University (HRU).

Deputy Director – Moun Samnang

moun somnangMr Moun Samnang is Deputy Director of CCASVA. He has worked with CCASVA-NGO since July 2011 up until now. He has 20 years experience and a wide knowledge on child protection and development concept in Cambodia. He worked at Save the Children Australia (SCA) as Program Manager, worked in Child Protection for 4 years and also for World Vision in Cambodia (WVC) with three different positions in the Child Protection Unit, Community Development and Disaster section. He worked for the Mine Advisory Group (MAG) as Provincial Liaison Officer for 4 years and another 3 years at GTZ and UNTAC during the first election in Cambodia in 1993. He graduated with a Masters Degree in Law at the Royal University of Law and Economics (RULE). He has also completed extensive trainings/workshops on children’s rights and child protection in Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, and Loa-PD. Furthermore, he has been received advance leadership training in the USA.



Executive Director - Phok Bunroeun

phok BonroeunMr. Bunroeun is a founding member of CCASVA (January 1996). He is a Professor of Mathematics and also holds a Bachelor of Law degree and a Masters of Public Administration. He has extensive experience in working with vulnerable or orphaned street children and their families in Phnom Penh; with particular expertise in sexual and reproductive health, reintegration programs and home care for people living with HIV/AIDS.

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